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Additional information

Why are we asking for "additional information" on a payment request?

Christiaan Lok avatar
Written by Christiaan Lok
Updated over 10 months ago

If you decide to take up a finance option with FlipPay, we'll sometimes require some additional information about the transaction to ensure it complies with our policies and obligations. When this applies, you'll see a card on the payment page titled "Additional information".

Who can provide this information, and who must provide it, can change depending on the finance option you're accessing, however any finance option you select is ultimately your responsibility so you should check and verify the information displayed before submitting a request to FlipPay.

FlipPay can request additional information from the business sending a request to you, from you, or from both of you:

  • Where this information is mandatory to access a finance option, you'll be advised in the payment page

  • Where a business has provided this information on your behalf, you'll typically be able to view and edit it on the payment page.

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