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Navigating the dashboard
Christiaan Lok avatar
Written by Christiaan Lok
Updated over a week ago

Your dashboard experience can differ a little depending on the user role you've been assigned (admin level, or a standard user) - the key difference will be that standard users are unable to access the "Settings" interface to change account settings, and can only access data (requests, templates, transactions, actions, etc) they have been enabled to use.

That said, if you can see it, you can use it, so here's the key parts you'll want to know about.

Sending a payment request

The top of the dashboard shows a card with buttons or drop down widgets allowing you to create a payment request using a request template.

The templates you can see are the templates you're enabled to use. Tap one to see the "create request" interface (different finance/payment options will present different options to you, just follow the easy on-screen instructions).

Payment activity & disbursements

The main table on screen lists the payment requests and disbursements you have access to view - note that you may be able to view requests you've created, those created by other users, and some created via API if your account is integrated with one of our integrated partners.

Viewing data

  1. Tap "View: Requests" to view payment requests

    1. Created = time/date the request was created, and the user who created it

    2. Our reference = FlipPay's unique ID for the request, and the finance/payment option used on the request (tap the link to view the request)

    3. Your reference = Any reference you add to the request (may be set by your integrated partner), your customer's details (if available/relevant to the request)

    4. Requested = amount requested for payment/funding

    5. Disbursed = total amount disbursed against this request, and the latest date of a disbursement

    6. Due = due date for any active agreement, and the amount due

    7. Status = the current status of the request

    8. 3 dots = tap to view available actions (will differ for requests/finance options/statuses)

      1. View request = tap to view the request in the portal

      2. Resend = tap to resend the request to a customer (via SMS/email, as supported on the request)

      3. Cancel = tap to cancel the request (some finance options will prompt you to confirm additional actions that will occur after cancellation)

      4. View payment page = tap to view the payment page your customer will see when following the FlipPay link

      5. Get statement = tap to generate and download a statement of account for this specific agreement

      6. Mark as paid

  2. Tap "View: Disbursements" to view disbursement transactions (if you have access to view this data)

    1. Disbursed = date disbursement is scheduled for, or occurred on

    2. Our reference = FlipPay's unique ID for the request, and the finance/payment option used on the request

    3. Your reference = Any reference you add to the request (may be set by your integrated partner), your customer's details (if available/relevant to the request)

    4. Bank reference = the reference that will appear on the bank transaction (the payment from FlipPay), the method of payment (NPP = instant payout, DC = may take 2-3 days to clear), and a unique FlipPay transaction reference

    5. Bank account = the bank account receiving the disbursement (can be hidden for some request/finance types)

    6. Amount = the amount disbursed

    7. Status

      1. Pending = scheduled, may be subject to manual approval or just waiting for the platform to process it

      2. Processing = platform is currently processing the transaction (cannot be cancelled or stopped at this point)

      3. Disbursed = funds have been sent, depending on your bank the funds may be received instantly (via NPP) or within 2-3 business days (via DC)

Searching & filtering

  1. Use the search bar as a free text search

    1. Typical searches might be customer name/email/phone, FlipPay or your references, request/disbursement amounts, etc

    2. Enter your search item and tap "Go" to run the search ... tap the "X" in the search bar to clear your search

  2. Add a filter to focus your view

    1. Select from the available to/from dates, to/from amounts

    2. You can also filter on request status, disbursement status, finance/payment options, templates used (from your portal) and the user who created a request

    3. You can edit or clear the filter to revert back to a full listing of data

  3. You can search within filtered results ... or filter within search results ... if you really want to get funky with data

  4. Your search or filter will apply when you switch between requests and disbursements

    1. E.g. search for "something" on requests to find requests using the term "something", then switch to disbursements view to find disbursements using the term "something"

Exporting data

  1. You can export anything you're currently viewing as a Microsoft Excel document - just tap the icon and retrieve the file from your browser's download folder

    1. The export file will be formatted the same, regardless of viewing requests or disbursements

    2. Content of the file will match your user permissions, the settings of the finance option (some fields may be hidden), and the current status of the request or disbursement

    3. Refer to the column headers in the export file, they're self-explanatory for each data point

Your profile

Tap your initials to view a simple UI showing your details and a password reset function. Best to ensure your name, email and mobile are up to date, so you can embed these in any templates/comms easily.

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